Treatment Review

Sculptra treatment review


3D poly-L-lactic acid (Sculptra), known as the liquid face lift, while filling, compact, lifting, rejuvenation, multi-effects micro plastic new weapon which is a safety injection products. In Europe and they called it NewFill, it’s biocompatible (absorbable) material, used in the medical profession more than three decades, before the injection does not need to do a skin test. Sculptra is a legal injection dermal filler which have the approval of FDA and Taiwan’s Department of Health.


【V Beauty】Sculptra 童顏針聚左乳酸|打造飽滿額頭|激活膠原自生|Beauty Blogger Gloria 歌歌無剪接 + 即時真實分享|醫美

【V Beauty】Sculptra 童顏針聚左乳酸|激活膠原自生|Beauty Blogger Gloria 無剪接 + 即時真實分享|醫美新手入門版